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Do Hemorrhoids Lead To Cancer?

No. Hemorrhoids do not lead to cancer. However, the primary indication to many people that they may be suffering from hemorrhoids is blood in the stool, on the toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl after a bowel movement. Writing off this symptom as hemorrhoids without consultation from a gastroenterologist, who specializes in the study and treatment of the digestive tract which includes the colon, rectum, and anus, can produce false confidence.

Rectal Bleeding can result from many physical ailments, such as:

  • Anal fissure—a small tear in the skin around the anus, typically from passing large or hard stools.
  • Angiodysplasia—a condition where swollen and fragile blood vessels develop in the GI tract and may bleed.
  • Cancer—Polyps in the G.I. tract may become cancerous and may result in blood in the stool
  • Colitis—Inflammation of the colon due to colitis can lead to swelling and bleeding. Causes of the inflammation can include both infections and inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Diverticular disease—small, benign pouches develop in the wall of the colon, but may occasionally become infected and bleed.
  • Esophageal issues—varicose veins can form in the esophagus that may cause bleeding.
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Peptic ulcers—an ulcer in the stomach or duodenum may become so severe, due to infection or overuse of anti-inflammatory medicines, that it bleeds.

Hemorrhoids sometimes referred to as piles, are swollen and inflamed blood vessels on the surface of the rectum and/or anus. Hemorrhoids are one of the most common ailments in adults, with approximately 50% of the population having them by age 50. Most people do not start to experience the discomfort of hemorrhoids until their 30s. Hemorrhoids do not discriminate and are common amongst all races and genders. Millions of Americans are currently living with hemorrhoids and suffering in silence. Treatment methods for hemorrhoids have made significant progress in recent years that result in less invasiveness and downtime from the procedures.

If you suspect that you have hemorrhoids, you should not be embarrassed. They are a natural occurrence in the human body and are more common that thought. However, assumptions or self-diagnosis can be a slippery slope and consultation with a specialist in the field of gastroenterology will provide a more definitive answer of the problem and how to proceed with treatment. The team of doctors at Gastroenterology Associates has compiled an overview of hemorrhoids in the attached whitepaper (click image below) that explores:

  • What are hemorrhoids?
  • What causes hemorrhoids?
  • What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?
  • What is the treatment?
  • How are hemorrhoids prevented?

If you have reached the point of unbearable pain from hemorrhoids or are finally ready to determine if hemorrhoids are the culprit of your rectal bleeding or pain, please do not hesitate to contact our office for a consult. We are a team of board-certified or board eligible experts in the field of gastroenterology and have many years dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhoids.

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