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Aspire Weight Loss Procedure (AspireAssist®)

What is Aspire weight loss?

At GI Alliance, we are proud to offer the Aspire weight loss procedure using the revolutionary AspireAssist (AA). This is a nonsurgical weight loss procedure that involves placing a tube through the stomach wall and skin, in which food is then removed from the stomach. The AspireAssist makes it possible for individuals to remove about 30% of the calories they consume through a tube into the sink or toilet. When you are looking for a weight-loss solution, contact GI Alliance to find out how our Aspire weight loss procedure can help you reach your goal weight.

Who can use AspireAssist?

AspireAssist can be a great option for individuals who have been unsuccessful in losing weight in the past. If you have a BMI of 35 – 55 and have either been unsuccessful in losing weight or maintaining weight loss, the Aspire weight loss procedure at GI Alliance could be a great option. If you are committed to making lifestyle changes such as modifying your diet, altering your exercise routine, and taking the time necessary to aspirate after each meal (about 5 – 10 minutes), this may be a good option for you. We encourage you to schedule a consultation at GI Alliance near you to meet with one of our skilled GI specialists to find out if you qualify for this treatment.

What can I expect from Aspire weight loss?

To begin your Aspire weight loss journey, you’ll first have to have a minor procedure to have the tube connected to your stomach wall and the port attached to your skin. This is a very minor procedure that can usually be completed in about an hour with the use of twilight sedation. We will first attach the tube to your stomach through an incision in your abdomen.

After this is complete, we will let the incision heal, which typically takes about a week, then we’ll have you come back in so we can attach the port. This usually only takes several minutes to complete.

After about two weeks from the start of your procedure, you can begin to use the AspireAssist device. It’s very important that you follow our GI specialist’s instructions on how to use and care for the device, as well as any lifestyle changes that are needed.

What happens when AspireAssist is ready to be used?

As previously mentioned, it does take a few weeks before you’ll be ready to use the AspireAssist device. Once you’re ready to use the device, you’ll need to make sure you’re clear about the instructions on how to use and care for the device. One of the most important pieces of information you’ll need is to eat slowly. This will help your aspiration be successful. We will provide you with a meal guide to follow the first few weeks after your procedure to make this process easier to learn.

After you eat, you’ll need to wait 20 – 30 minutes before you’re ready to begin aspiration. The aspirating process only takes about 10 – 15 minutes total. To begin, you’ll attach the AspireAssist device to your skin port. A lanyard is provided to make this as comfortable as possible. From there, you’ll turn the device on, and it will begin to draw food from your stomach through the device. To ensure you’re stomach is fully emptied, you’ll squeeze a bit of water up through the device and turn it back on. If the water comes out mostly clear, your stomach is empty.

From there, you can empty the contents of your AspireAssist into the skin or toilet and then carry on with the rest of your day.

Our team of GI specialists is here to help you make your AspireAssist weight loss journey as successful as possible. If you ever have questions or concerns about your device, feel free to reach out!

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Aspire to make your weight loss dreams a reality

If you have tried countless weight loss programs and can't manage to lose the weight or maintain your weight loss, you may want to consider AspireAssist at GI Alliance. This revolutionary weight-loss solution can help you make the changes you need to make in order to lose weight and keep it off. For more information about our Aspire weight loss procedure, we encourage you to call GI Alliance to find a board-certified GI specialist in your area.

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